Haircare Treatments
permanent coloring without height of tone reinforced with cold reflections
LED iBLUE is the New Generation of permanent coloring, without tone height, reinforced with cold reflections, for a natural, light, perfectly neutralized result. Extra neutralizing Level Free technology uses an innovative formulation with no tone height, characterized by more cold reflections and less depth that enhances the neutralizing action. It contains a perfectly balanced pool of blue pigments, to neutralize or cool any melanin bottom.
LED iBLUE gives numerous performances: natural or cold result tailored, neutralized reflections on all bases. In addition, it preserves the natural transparency of the hair and gives an unparalleled lightness effect compared to classic LED.
Up to 2 and a half shades of lightening. Suitable for gentle regrowth and durability is long lasting.
For white hair up to 30% the coverage is not perfect, but aesthetically pleasing, for those over 30% you do not get a visible coverage result.
iBLUE LEDs - 100 ml
LED Oxycream 10/20/30/40 Vol. - 1000 ml
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